Four Graphic Design Mistakes Your Business Might Be Making

HomeWeathervane Creative BlogFour Graphic Design Mistakes Your Business Might Be Making

Graphic design plays an extremely important role in your business’ branding, from your logo to social media posts and print marketing. You may not even be aware of how important graphic design is to your company unless something goes wrong. However, you can prevent minor or embarrassing mistakes when you know what to watch out for. Here are a few mistakes to avoid making:

Four Graphic Design Mistakes Your Business Might Be Making

  1. Lots of Fonts- Often, simple is best. Using too many fonts, especially for something as important as your business name, can be very distracting to the eye. One or two fonts is probably best. Even then, it’s important to make sure the fonts complement each other well, or the materials will still look too busy.
  2. Poor Kerning- Kerning, or the space between letters or characters, is incredibly important. Too little or too much space between letters can make words difficult to read or even make a piece of text seem to say something other than what was intended.
  3. Bad Readability- Readability should always be prioritized over aesthetics or personal preferences. For example, many cursive fonts are a bad idea as far as readability is concerned. In addition, the colors you use are essential for effective graphic design. There needs to be enough contrast between the text color and background color for people to read it well.
  4. Generic Logos- Designing a unique logo is easier said than done, but it’s important. If your logo looks too much like a competitor’s or another company’s logo that isn’t even in your same industry, there’s going to be confusion all around.

If you need assistance with graphic design for your business, contact our team at Weathervane Creative.