Is It Time to Rebrand?

HomeWeathervane Creative BlogIs It Time to Rebrand?

In branding, there is a delicate balance to strike between familiarity and novelty. While you want to keep your brand consistent in order to build a strong and recognizable identity, you also want to keep it from becoming tired or boring. Of course, rebranding your business is a major undertaking, so you should consider it carefully before you commit to the project. Our team at Weathervane Creative has the right experience in graphic design to provide the creative solutions you need to make your rebrand as successful as possible, and in this article, we’ll go over a few ways to tell whether your business needs a new look.

Is It Time to Rebrand?

  • Your Vision has Changed- One way to determine whether you need to rebrand your company is to consider whether your current brand identity reflects your vision for the business. This tension often comes up in regard to a company’s name–as cultural context shifts, a name that worked well 15 years ago may no longer reflect the company’s current philosophy or goals. If your brand has failed to keep pace with your vision, you should give us a call to start updating your brand identity.
  • Your Image is Outdated- Another sign that you need to rebrand your business is feeling embarrassed to hand out business cards or provide your company’s website. If you feel like your logo doesn’t look as slick as those of your competitors or feel like your website needs a disclaimer about its dated design, it’s time to update your brand.
  • Your Need to Simplify- Lastly, if your brand has become overly complex or diffuse over the years, we recommend that you rebrand. This will allow you to create a single, unified brand identity that’s easy to recognize and remember.