Things to Avoid When Considering Printed Flyer Design

HomeWeathervane Creative BlogThings to Avoid When Considering Printed Flyer Design

If you have a new product you want to inform previous and potential customers about, if you have a special event coming up, or if you are having an upcoming sale, a printed flyer can be an extremely effective way of sharing this important information with your target audience. However, a printed flyer is only as effective as its underlying flyer design. It is easy to overwhelm or underwhelm your intended viewer, making your flyer useless and reducing the return on your investment significantly.

Things to Avoid When Considering Printed Flyer Design

When you are considering the ideal flyer design, make sure to avoid the following:

  • Too much information: You probably can’t (and shouldn’t try to) fit all of the information from your business website onto one flyer. Think about the purpose of this specific flyer and focus on the essential information for that purpose.
  • Too many images or poor-quality images: In general, each page of your flyer should have no more than one or two images. If you are going to have images, they should be of higher quality.
  • Colors that clash: Make sure that your colors complement one another and complement your established brand identity and design.
  • Illegible fonts or typos: Keep fonts streamlined for easy reading and always proofread multiple times before sending a flyer design to the printer.

It is essential that you have a clear vision of your audience before embarking on flyer design. If you don’t know who you are sending the flyer to or why you are sending it, you are bound to end up with a confusing, disjointed mess. One clear headline can help bring your flyer into focus as well.