What is Direct Mail, and Does it Still Work?

HomeWeathervane Creative BlogWhat is Direct Mail, and Does it Still Work?

Direct mail is a type of marketing tool that’s been around for a long time. And while some people view it as dated, it still has a place when it comes to advertising your business. Simply put, direct mail refers to marketing materials that someone receives in their mailbox in the form of a catalog, flyer, postcard, or brochure. Although most marketing efforts today are primarily digital, when done right, direct mail still has a place in your marketing plans.

What is Direct Mail, and Does it Still Work?

One of the reasons direct mail is still highly effective is because when you get your mail, you have to physically handle each piece and look at each one before deciding to keep it or not. Whether a potential customer keeps your advertising information or throws it away, they still had to look at your message for at least a few seconds.

Many businesses today also like to include a promotional offer with their direct mail. For example, you might want to include a coupon or special offer that requires you to keep the mailer or bring it in to your location. When a piece of direct mail includes an offer, the recipient is more likely to keep it.

In addition, direct mail can help you reach a wider demographic than you would be able to impact with electronic advertising. In cases where electronic ads on social media or other places would have missed potential customers, direct mail still preserves the opportunity to reach them.